Preservate the Environment
A&TC Chemicals, as a marketing company for raw material and chemical products, we take into account several factors that enable us to safeguard the environment.
These include partnering with manufacturers who are also dedicated to environmental protection, using packaging appropriately, and
complying with international standards that regulate raw materials and chemical products in general.
what we can do for ?
Chemical companies can implement several measures to protect the environment. These are some of the most important ones, and it is important to remember that protecting the environment is a shared responsibility.
Chemical companies can promote sustainability by using eco-friendly chemicals and materials, and by working with suppliers to ensure that raw materials are sustainably sourced.
Chemical companies can reduce waste by implementing recycling programs, using eco-friendly packaging, and minimizing the use of hazardous materials.
Companies can conserve energy by using renewable energy sources, such as solar or wind power, and by implementing energy-efficient practices in their operations.
Companies can reduce emissions by implementing clean technologies, such as carbon capture and storage, and by reducing the use of fossil fuels.
Companies can protect natural resources by minimizing their impact on the environment, such as reducing water usage and protecting wildlife habitats.
Chemical companies must comply with environmental regulations to ensure that their operations are safe for the environment and for people.
What must show packing ?
One of the most effective and efficient ways to communicate hazard information to coworkers and prevent accidents and injuries is through chemical container labeling. Chemical products must be labeled with specific information on their packaging materials to ensure safety and compliance with regulations. Some of the most important pieces of information that should be included are:
The name of the chemical product should be clearly displayed on the packaging.
The name and contact information of the manufacturer, packer, or distributor should be included on the packaging.
A signal word such as “danger” or “warning” should be used to indicate the level of hazard associated with the product.
Hazard statements such as “toxic if inhaled” or “combustible liquid” should be included to describe the specific hazards associated with the product.
Pictograms such as a flame or skull and crossbones should be used to visually represent the hazards associated with the product.
To ensure safe handling, storage, and disposal of chemical products, precautionary statements such as “keep container tightly closed” should be included on the product’s packaging materials.
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